June 11, 2010

As expected, the editors at some of the biggest national fashion and lifestyle magazines in New York love the new gloves and ear warmers from 180s as much as we do. In October, look for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure line on your favorite “Pink Pages.” And as the weather gets even cooler, you won’t be able to miss the bright down ear warmers adding pop to the glossies.


We had fun riding the elevator in the oh-so-modern Hearst Tower. All that glass makes for bright, airy offices full of beautiful people, clothes and accessories.

Kelly Grammes, 180s sales and retail marketing manager, struck a pose with current Redbook cover girl Heidi Klum.

At the Meredith tower, we met with favorites like Parents, Fitness and Family Circle.

It was an excellent two days of meetings, with positive feedback and excitement from the media. We can’t wait for winter!