At CGPR we pay a lot of attention to social media. I mean, you’re reading this as part of a blog, aren’t you? Whenever we see an article about Facebook or Twitter in any of the newspapers, we e-mail it around. It’s one of the few places to work where you get yelled at if you’re not on Facebook or Twitter for several hours of the day. And for good reason – social media has revolutionized PR in ways we’ve only begun to understand.

So imagine our excitement when we came across a trailer for a movie called The Social Network, a movie coming out this fall about Facebook’s tumultuous founding. The tagline for the movie is You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies. (An interesting tagline to read today, as the statistic that Facebook has 500 million users was in all the papers. Apparently, if Facebook users comprised a country the United Democratic Republic of Facebook would be the third largest in the world.) The upcoming movie is based on a book called The Accidental Billionaires; The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal. Good God. Is this a story about Facebook, or is it an especially tense episode of All My Children?

All soapiness aside (and the trailer, despite a really trippy and dare I say moving beginning, does seem a little over dramatic. Are they trying too hard to make something out of nothing?) I’m really excited to see this movie. Finally, in a year that’s given us remakes of Karate Kid and the A-Team, here is a movie truly for 2010, not 1985.