The past two weeks around the CGPR office have been filled with intense competition. The first annual door decorating contest took place this week with each member of the CGPR team given the limit of $10 to spend on decorations.  Kristin Hostetter, an editor at Backpacker, traveled to CGPR to serve as the judge.

As d-day neared, last minute decorations were added, and doors absent of Christmas decorations came alive with the Christmas spirit. Competition was fierce with the battle of the lights, funny pictures of the staff, fake fireplaces and candy canes. When Kristin arrived, she reviewed each door, where each creator lobbied for his or her creation.

After lunch, the verdict was rendered. Without hesitation, Kristin named everyone winners. For example, Shelley’s door had a Christmas tree with 3D presents attached to the bottom of the door, whereas Kristen’s door had a picture of a fireplace with pictures of her as a young girl during Christmas. Eleanor’s door contained funny pictures of the CGPR staff in elf costumes similar to Ian’s door pictured the Boston skyline, while Chris’ door was filled with Christmas bows. My door pictured candy canes in the shape of a Christmas tree with a string of lights over the top. To view pictures of these doors (and submit your votes on the best), visit our Facebook page at

As my last day interning at CGPR is today, I will be extremely sad to not walk into the office and begin my daily ritual of completing the articles of interest email, participating in the weekly CGPR meeting every Monday at 9:30, or chatting with the really cool staff. Everyone and everything will be missed, as next year brings on my last semester of classes at Endicott College.

– Sarah